Incredible that this tiny thing This minuscule drop of shiny green That I can barely moving see On top of a sunlit clover leaf This thing this microscopic gleam This miniature winged polished dream This nano-life lit by light Knows the things I'll never know Goes places that I'll never go.
Incredible that this tiny thing This minuscule drop of shiny green That I can barely moving see On top of a sunlit clover leaf This thing this microscopic gleam This miniature winged polished dream This nano-life lit by light With a heart and legs that are so fine Has a soul as big as mine.
Incredible that this tiny thing This minuscule drop of shiny green That I can barely moving see On top of a sunlit clover leaf This thing this microscopic gleam This miniature winged polished dream This nano-life lit by light A single point of existence pearled Completes the jigsaw of the world.